26 Januari 2014

Affirmative and Negative Agreement

AFFIRMATIVE AGREEMENT (so. too. and also)

Sebenarnya kata so, too, dan also mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu juga, pula, pun. Tapi dalam penggunaannya terdapat perbedaan, so digunakan sebelum tobe(s) dan auxilliaries(kata bantu).
1. My wife will talk to him and so will I
2. My wife has talked about it, and so have I
3. My wife talked about it, and so did I
4. My wife is talking about it, and so am I

Sedangkan too dan also digunakan setelah tobe(s) dan auxilliaries.
1. My wife will talk to him and I will too
2. My wife has talked about it, and I have too
3. My wife talked about it, and I did also
4. My wife is talking about it, and I am also

NEGATIVE AGREEMENT (neither and either)

Hampir sama dengan penjelasan affirmative agreement di atas, neither dan either memiliki arti yang sama yaitu: tidak keduanya, atau kedua-duanya tidak.
Untuk neither digunakan sebelum auxilliary verb, for example:
1. My roommate won't go, and neither will I
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and neither have I
3. My roommate doesn't go, and neither do I
4. My roommate isn't going, and neither am I

Dan untuk either digunakan setelah auxilliary verb dan kata "not", for example:
1. My roommate won't go, and I won't(will not) either
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and I haven't either
3. My roommate doesn't go, and I don't either
4. My roommate isn't going, and I am not either

Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan yaitu untuk pemakaian tobe dan auxilliaries setelah kata "..and.." harus sesuai dengan tobe dan auxilliaries yang digunakan di awal kalimat, seperti :
My wife is talking about it, and so am I

My wife has talked about it, and I have too

My roommate won't go, and neither will I

My roommate doesn't go, and I don't either

Title: Affirmative and Negative Agreement; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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